The fossil nests, dating to about 220 million years ago, are similar to modern-day crocodile and turtle nests.
Southwest Ecology
Parks without cars: A new transportation plan for Grand Canyon National Park
All day-use visitors to the South Rim will park their cars in the gateway community of Tusayan and board a light rail car for the six-mile ride to the Mather Point Transit Center. Light-rail trains will serve this route year-round, at regular intervals, with a train scheduled to depart about every five minutes during the peak season.
Trails and tales of Arizona’s Canyon de Chelly
During the summer, Navajo families still live and farm the bottoms of Canyon de Chelly, Canyon del Muerto and Monument Canyon, all of which make up Canyon de Chelly National Monument in northeastern Arizona.
The Grand Daddy of North American whitewater
I knew The Grand before ever being introduced. I knew about the bubble line in Lava Falls, the hole in Crystal, the rocks in Hance, the waves in Hermit.
Pictures of Sedona, Arizona
Mount Wilson is one of dozens of geologic wonders to be found in Sedona.
Sedona, Ariz.: New Age portal or paradise lost?
But as Sedona becomes more and more attractive a destination, the citizens are faced with a challenge: To retain its charm and natural beauty without sacrificing its soul to tourism and development. That is, if it’s not too late.